I'm tired!
Why can't I take this seriously at all?
This week in science:
Mr. appletree decided to grow pineapples.
Scientists discovered appletree was outta luck. Couldn't do it.
A scientist: this is 2016 and an outrage.
The tree was later cut down.
Scientists need paper.
A scientist: science is great I can do anything.
Science: these people are crazy please someone stop them.
The someone: But I want to do anything.
The someone was later discovered as a scientist.
The new scientist: this is great I can do anything! I want to show everyone they are miserable.
But mister scientist, don't you have anything better to do?
Scientist: mister?
A scientist: this is 2016 and an outrage. Also I need more paper.
Moving on.
A famous person died. A person with ideas.
A scientist: wow how am I suddenly a scientist? I take it though. People appreciate me now.
A scientist: about time.
A scientist: moving on
A scientist: I appreciate this person that just died. You know, the person with the ideas? I have no idea whats he been doing these last 10 years but thats not the point.
A scientist: I appreciate to be appreciated.
A scientist: don't judge me. I'm a scientist and this is 2016 Kinda like how I'm 16.
Kinda though
lauantai 3. joulukuuta 2016
sunnuntai 27. marraskuuta 2016
perjantai 13. toukokuuta 2016
lauantai 23. huhtikuuta 2016
I can't even.
Another one of these pictures..
I don't get it.
Why is the hair like that?
Makes no sense.
keskiviikko 20. huhtikuuta 2016
To do one's darnest
The people who don't believe in perfection.
The people who refuse to give up.
Day after day.
And a new day rises.
The people who work hard not expecting the attention they deserve.
The people who do it for themselves.
And to help others.
The people who have strong enough will to believe in what sometimes seems impossible.
The people who believe.
Because that's the only thing that will make the difference.
To believe in one's skill.
To believe in other people.
To believe in change.
I salute you.
sunnuntai 10. huhtikuuta 2016
More playing around
Another one of them drawings is born!
it's someone playing an instrument of some sort.
Better not to name the instrument so nobody gets offended.
"That's not how a quitar looks! Triggered."
It's not a quitar.
I wonder if anybody else can actually see what is happening in that picture D:
Oh well.
I was listening to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PkdLMIz-Ys
Especially the suite that starts at 53:41 is awesome.
It's from a game called Bloodborne.
Such powerful music.
If only all the orchestra music could be as awesome as it is in videogames.
Another one of them drawings is born!
it's someone playing an instrument of some sort.
Better not to name the instrument so nobody gets offended.
"That's not how a quitar looks! Triggered."
It's not a quitar.
I wonder if anybody else can actually see what is happening in that picture D:
Oh well.
I was listening to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PkdLMIz-Ys
It's "Score – Videogame music with the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra"
Especially the suite that starts at 53:41 is awesome.
It's from a game called Bloodborne.
Such powerful music.
If only all the orchestra music could be as awesome as it is in videogames.
lauantai 9. huhtikuuta 2016
Hi ::DD
That's a human in a forest doing stuff.
That's the place I got the pose from.
maanantai 4. huhtikuuta 2016
Too spooky 4 me you're not.
That's a wordplay that all the cool kids use.
Or used to use..
Maybe at some point.
The pictures are so pixelated because they were designed to be my avatars for Steam.
So there's two types of me.
Well, more like 30, but here's two examples..
First me: Imma do something totally rad!
Second me: this time, it will totally be the totally rad I wanted it to be the first time.
So. Uhh..
Sorry first.
You kinda suck a little.
But thanks for always trying your best!
I guess..
I think I pretty much nailed the red and white thingy in the first try.
And that's about all I'm really satisfied about.
Second picture I had to work in three ocasions.
Because honestly, I didn't think it'd work out.
And whaddya know, it turned out pretty well.
That's about it.
I listened DeadMau5
It's great ambient music.
But otherwise, too repetitive.
Again, it's really REALLY late.
So no rambles this time.
Or.. You're welcome?
torstai 31. maaliskuuta 2016
Look! D:
First off all, all I did was the color.
The image is from here:
the name of the author is Bradleyo.
He gave people the right to color it.
Thank you!
Anyway, I'm pretty hyped for this one :DD
Another milestone passed: My coloring skills are good enough that art is almost worth watching.
Anyway, it's very late. I should go to sleep.
I'm happy!
keskiviikko 30. maaliskuuta 2016
Another One.
Woah D:::
Didn't see you there.
I made this. It looks unfinished.
Sorry about that ;__;
I bought two frozen pizzas yesterday!
Because reasons.
I was planning on eating one of them today.
I'd be amazing Twitter time waster, huh?
That's not all I did yesterday though.
I gave money to a streamer.
Streamer is for example a guy or a girl is playing videogames live on the internet and people watches that stuff and comment on chat about things.
Sounds exiting. I know.
One can subscribe or donate to the streamer.
Subscription is typically 5e and donation is the amount of one's choosing.
I subscribed.
When one subscribes one gets a badge in front of his name in the chat and the right to use the streamers emotes.
The subsrciber also gets "accepted" in the streamers chat community in some way.
Kinda like VIP without VIP rooms or seats.
People usually subscribe for three reasons:
1. They want to be accepted/heard of.
2. They want to have cool and regularly used emotes.
3. They want the streamer to have some money for the laughs and the good times the streams give.
Let's face it. It feels good to be accepted in somewhere.
Or if you're rich. Everywhere.
I guess..
What I mean by this is that I'm not trying to make fun of the first reason.
It's a way to show without saying anything that hey, I like y'all.
It's way easier than talking.
In my opinion at least.
It's like giving money to charity.
On top of the fact you are supportin something,
A cause, a person.
You feel good about yourself.
It's not like giving 5 euros "away" is going to be the end of the world.
Though it IS certainly in the ballpark for two frozen pizzas...

(version 2.0 D:)
lauantai 26. maaliskuuta 2016
:D etc.
First of all the song is found in youtube by the name of Ghost in the Shell - where does this ocean go?
I guess this is the style I go for when I have no plans for the picture at all, just a blank canvas.
And no thoughts.
Wonder why I had to make the face two coloured like that.
It works somehow I guess.
Click the picture. It looks retarted in these small borders.
I should try make 'em borders a tad bigger, huh.
I feel like making another one of these.
It's gonna be green.
And just as hard to look at as this one.
maanantai 21. maaliskuuta 2016
I made this.
World is full of stuff.
And if I do something, I can't do something else.
That's what's up.
It's funny how it doesn't matter how short my daily schedule is the day still can't end fast enough.
Today I spent 4 hours in school and was as exhausted as it woulda been 8.
Laziness never stops amusing me.
Yet I feel in my guts the whole next night how wrong it was that I could only play 5 hours instead of 10 because I had to run some errands.
Or even homework!
Still there's this thing people call conscience.
How does that work?
And is it the opposite of laziness or something else?
And why so many people lack it so bad?
I'm telling you.
There's no easy way out.
maanantai 29. helmikuuta 2016
Something new.
Made 3 filters for her.
Or him.
I dunno.
I don't know which is the best.
I was practicing hands the other day.
Super difficult stuff. Even the slightest change to angle and the whole thing looks different.
Also, making it big enough.
I didn't pay too much attention to details since this wasn't really meant to be too long a project.
I might add detalis someday.
Propably not.
So. Uhh... Nothing is really happening. No super good new games, no new super interesting projects.
Just kinda floating.
Steady, as she goes.
Nothing wrong with that.
You should definetly press those pictures to make 'em bigger. They look kinda bad in that compressed size.
Can I say "they"? Or is it something else?
Theres this game coming from Japan. Name's Fire Emblem: Fates.
I think.
Funny story.
It is about some medieval fantasy style clans fighting.
You can also make people fall in love to the main character or someone else.
They added this mechanism in the game: you can now pet the head of your "chosen one"
The developers and probably the publisher thought that petting is way too much for the "little kids" in Europe and America so they decided to take off that mechanism for games sent to those countries.
One always could buy the Japanese version. However, the console must be from Japan as well as the game. It's way too much for most of the people.
Anyway, two things happen.
a group of people start a internet riot because their games are being cencored.
Then there's the other group which really think that the publisher made a good call. Videogames are not for petting purposes.
Or something.
This cencorship happened for three reasons.
1.There are quite a lot of Japanese games that get called of the shelves of shops in countries like Germany and Australia because they are marked too erotic. The publisher is afraid that their game starts to operate losses because of one mechanic.
2.Nobody in Japan seems to know where the lines are crossed. What is too much and what aint.
3.Neither does anybody else.
There are no rules. Only people who scream louder than others making stuff go wild and destroying games and the teams developing 'em.
And so.
The new era of cencorship is put to action. Not by the "machine" but by the "broken cogs".
Alrighty. I'm done.
Gotta bounce.
tiistai 23. helmikuuta 2016
I've been busy and then some
Okay I admit. Shoulda posted something a while ago.
I've been doing stuff and things.
Anyway, here's a doodle:
It's something?
I dunno.
I practiced cloth folding...
Gonna do something cool real soon though. I promise.
Also, here are all the pixel stuff I've been working on lately.

I know the pixel stuff might not look as cool as high resolution drawing.
However. These let me practice color and palettes. It's suprisingly delicate stuff to choose a color.
You know.
Because there are a lot of colors.
A lot.
Also school.
But yeah, I might post something more exiting soon.
Or not.
Okay I admit. Shoulda posted something a while ago.
I've been doing stuff and things.
Anyway, here's a doodle:
It's something?
I dunno.
I practiced cloth folding...
Gonna do something cool real soon though. I promise.
Also, here are all the pixel stuff I've been working on lately.

I know the pixel stuff might not look as cool as high resolution drawing.
However. These let me practice color and palettes. It's suprisingly delicate stuff to choose a color.
You know.
Because there are a lot of colors.
A lot.
Also school.
But yeah, I might post something more exiting soon.
Or not.
tiistai 16. helmikuuta 2016
So one thing led to another and I started to do these pixely thingys for a Twitter daily events called Pixel_Dailies.
Pixel_Dailies tweets every day a theme and then people draw stuff.
Here's what happened to me:
The first theme was to take three random elements from three lists. One from each. I got "fat, angry, facial hair."
Hmmh. This gon' be good.

Yeah, looks pretty dope. Has a story that makes the guy to express anger. Cool beans.
Here's what I did wrong:
That thing is 54 frames long.
At some point in future I might use phrases(?) like "frames" and "frames per second".
Frame is an other word for a picture. "FPS" means how many frames are presented in one second, hence making an animation.
I think I just murdered English language again with poor ass explanations.
Now there's a habit starting to develop to a hobby.
54 frames is a LOT. It makes stuff messy looking and hard to control for the maker.
I got super exhausted and did not color or clean up the animation.
Needles to say, lotta mistakes were made and learnt from.
As it should be.
Next day was Hellboy theme.
Hellboy is this angry looking fella. With broken horns, life and attitude.
I think.
Not too familiar with him.
This guy:
I think I did pretty solid job. the skull has many layers and stuff.
So what happened was: I did not make animation. I colored. I made the picture low resolution.
It's cool, yet pretty boring and plain. Right?
Onto next day. Next opportunity.
First off. The theme was Gandhi. Pretty "outta nowhere", wouldn't you say?
This is what I came up with:

Two frames, color and a man on a mission.
And people liked it! :D
There's still a long way to go for sure.
I still consider the last animation a big success for my personal record.
And Now I know that if I want to develop, everything I do must be with maximum effort!
It's maybe easy to think of. To give ones best shot all the time.
I thought I did just that before.
Now I know I didn't.
So one thing led to another and I started to do these pixely thingys for a Twitter daily events called Pixel_Dailies.
Pixel_Dailies tweets every day a theme and then people draw stuff.
Here's what happened to me:
The first theme was to take three random elements from three lists. One from each. I got "fat, angry, facial hair."
Hmmh. This gon' be good.

Yeah, looks pretty dope. Has a story that makes the guy to express anger. Cool beans.
Here's what I did wrong:
That thing is 54 frames long.
At some point in future I might use phrases(?) like "frames" and "frames per second".
Frame is an other word for a picture. "FPS" means how many frames are presented in one second, hence making an animation.
I think I just murdered English language again with poor ass explanations.
Now there's a habit starting to develop to a hobby.
54 frames is a LOT. It makes stuff messy looking and hard to control for the maker.
I got super exhausted and did not color or clean up the animation.
Needles to say, lotta mistakes were made and learnt from.
As it should be.
Next day was Hellboy theme.
Hellboy is this angry looking fella. With broken horns, life and attitude.
I think.
Not too familiar with him.
This guy:

I think I did pretty solid job. the skull has many layers and stuff.
So what happened was: I did not make animation. I colored. I made the picture low resolution.
It's cool, yet pretty boring and plain. Right?
Onto next day. Next opportunity.
First off. The theme was Gandhi. Pretty "outta nowhere", wouldn't you say?
This is what I came up with:

Two frames, color and a man on a mission.
And people liked it! :D
There's still a long way to go for sure.
I still consider the last animation a big success for my personal record.
And Now I know that if I want to develop, everything I do must be with maximum effort!
It's maybe easy to think of. To give ones best shot all the time.
I thought I did just that before.
Now I know I didn't.
maanantai 15. helmikuuta 2016
Going in solo.
It's funny how hard it is to draw a quitarist while listening to rap.
yes, hello.
hm hm not much to say at the moment to be honest.
Hope you're having a great day.
I guess.
Those shoes are prertty brutal bad lookin'.
I should change that someday.
Imagine him playing something from Joe Satriani.
Why the blindfold? It just came to my mind first. I think it's cool devotion to music.
hm hm.
perjantai 12. helmikuuta 2016
I come bearing gifts.
More Steam avatars.
More rant.
I canged my admin account, so the profile is different, but I ain't.
I've been thinking.
Thinking while listening Toto. Toto IV album is my jam.
I've chosen a somewhat simple lifestyle.
That sounds stupid.
I wan't my reasoning and the change of circumstances to change me. Not material or people around me.
That leaves my life full of holes sometimes.
By drawing I want to fill them holes. I wan't that someday I can draw anything that comes to my mind.
If someone looks at my art and they likey, that's awesome.
That someone is awesome.
However, I'm doing this for myself just as much as for that someone.
I don't want to draw characters that express emotions.
I want to draw emotion itself.
Time will tell if I ever get there.
torstai 11. helmikuuta 2016
The Progress.
I'm literally crying.
I'm not. It's just something the cool kids say.
And I'm a cool kid tell you what.
This is how it looked like when I started:

Not too great, eh?
And this is the first time I did a pose without a reference:

I am so happy.
Very very happy.
It might not look like much, but theres about 17 muscles behind that layer.
I'm literally dying.
I'm not. It's just what the cool kids say.
Was listening this song: The Procussions - Little People.
It's rap. But good rap. Not everyones cup o' tea, but I enjoyd it.
Yes, I found it form Blue Mountain State TV-Series.
It's about American college life.
Look, I was bored.
maanantai 8. helmikuuta 2016
The Process.
I got bored and made this.
This is how one of my processes looks like.
This is the base. This time I wanted to make something cartoony so the hair looks like that. At this point I usually have improvised everything and have no idea what I'm doing. So I expect some changes will happen.
So next I choose the color of stuff. I Don't think a lot about it. Just pick a color and go with it. Usually in this step I think that the picture looks horrible. It helps to change stuff to look better..
More details. Lighting shenanigans. Stuff. Uhh... At this point the picture is horrible and I'm horrible. Pretty normal thoughts for creative process.
Next step is filling in everything else. Making some filters. Usually I end up doing what I think looks rad. Sometimes I'm right.
The last step of digital painting is stuffing the picture full of effects and unnecessary details. With good taste and brilliant mind I can cover up mistakes with stuff and make myself look cool and intelligent. Redemption! Great!
This kind of picture requires 50 or so layers. Layers mean something like one paper stacked on to other so the drawing in one does not affect the other but the both show at all times.
Hmmh you can Google it if you want.
So. Uhh.. There you go.
I'm making good process in anatomy. I'm checking youtube tutorials. There's this great user nicknamed Sycra. All the respect to him. The tutor said in one of his videos that my style of drawing is chiken scratch and very destructive for any workflow.
Haha ;_____;
I got bored and made this.
This is how one of my processes looks like.
This is the base. This time I wanted to make something cartoony so the hair looks like that. At this point I usually have improvised everything and have no idea what I'm doing. So I expect some changes will happen.
So next I choose the color of stuff. I Don't think a lot about it. Just pick a color and go with it. Usually in this step I think that the picture looks horrible. It helps to change stuff to look better..
More details. Lighting shenanigans. Stuff. Uhh... At this point the picture is horrible and I'm horrible. Pretty normal thoughts for creative process.
Next step is filling in everything else. Making some filters. Usually I end up doing what I think looks rad. Sometimes I'm right.
The last step of digital painting is stuffing the picture full of effects and unnecessary details. With good taste and brilliant mind I can cover up mistakes with stuff and make myself look cool and intelligent. Redemption! Great!
This kind of picture requires 50 or so layers. Layers mean something like one paper stacked on to other so the drawing in one does not affect the other but the both show at all times.
Hmmh you can Google it if you want.
So. Uhh.. There you go.
I'm making good process in anatomy. I'm checking youtube tutorials. There's this great user nicknamed Sycra. All the respect to him. The tutor said in one of his videos that my style of drawing is chiken scratch and very destructive for any workflow.
Haha ;_____;
torstai 4. helmikuuta 2016
I made this :u
tiistai 2. helmikuuta 2016
I might take a break.
Hi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I tried to make something similiar to 3d effect by tinkering with layers here.
Hmmh.. It looks kinda like she broke her arm.
Should do something about that.
There is this thing called effective workflow. In my case it means mastering combining keyboard buttons to command stuff and the pen drawing the strokes. It's hard and needs a whole lotta muscle memory to be efficient.
So much to learn.
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
But yeah, to the topic.
I decided to start learning real muscle anatomy and grouping and whatnot.
It's the next major step for me and even more important than perspective.
Because it doesn't matter if I can think 3D if everything I draw looks painful and dislocated :d
That means that there won't be any sweet pictures anytime soon. I might post process. But everything will look funny for awhile.
Wish me luck!~
Thank you.
lauantai 30. tammikuuta 2016
I'd like to ramble. Here's some pictures I made for my Steam account avatars. It's a cool little project I've been spending time with.
Posted 'em just so that you didn't come here for nothing.
I've been thinking of the times I wanted to be something in the music industry. Nothing big or special. Just a silly dream of mine.
I had an excelent private quitar teacher and the flow that is needed to impovise music. I even played in some school concerts.
I was 14-17 years old.
This was one of the biggest decissions I ever made. I still enjoy playing quitar. But I don't do it to improve, but to have fun. There's a big difference ain't there?
I started to prefer drawing simply because I could train it alone and without bothering anyone.
But my appreciation towards music that developed during the quitar classes never changed.
And now I have created the perfect balance beetween music and art to make something worthwhile.
So thank you.
Great. I managed to make it sound akward.
I'm gonna go now.
perjantai 29. tammikuuta 2016
Steady, as she goes.
Top o' the mornin' to ya!
Had to pull the all nighter for this one. Finished just a moment ago.
I'm pretty happy how this project came out. She looks a bit older than I meant though. Nothing wrong with that I guess.
the posture is simple and there's a lack of lighting effects.
The head is meant to have this illusion that it's upward by shadowing it and placing eyes, nose and mouth more up than normal.
The lips break the illusion a little. Needs to be a tad bigger.
Here's the thing. I feel like I'm disrespectful if I overdo certain bodyparts. Balance is something I need to work on as well.
So be it.
So I started watching Black Sails from netflix. It's a pretty darn good series, it is it is.
Some of the characters are there just to show that this show also supports equality.
If you know what I mean.
Otherwise good characters, good story and a great pirate atmosphere.
Wonder if atmosphere is a word...
torstai 28. tammikuuta 2016
The struggle.
Dear art. Why must you be so hard?
Ok so here's the thing. I was going to show off to be the guy who only has good days with art. Well, I don't.
I have huge problems with human anatomy and perspectives. I posted two pictures today so my self-confidence wouldn't crumble to dust.
My back hurts already for the thought alone that I'd have to pick it up and construct it again.
That text next to the girl with the face is a joke. It contains a typo and it mocks people who put text next to their art all the time to prove they're special.
The reason I put the perspective picture here is that I need to grow up. And that includes me putting stuff on the internet that I'm insecure about.
That's dumb and unreasonable. Right? The thing is. I am ashamed of doing art. I don't talk about it. This is my way of practising to be proud of what I do
I'll probably delete that picture tomorow...
Uhh.. You can click the pictures to make them bigger.
Waiting for tomorrow.
maanantai 25. tammikuuta 2016
Scary and pretty dope at the same time.
Uhh. Testing, testing. This one might be too big. It's wallpaper size.
Welp, I certainly liked making this one. The title says it all. It's a bit too indimitating for my style. I rarely have any idea what's what before starting to draw. Music and imagination just do their job.
So in other words, this is what was on top of my mind.
I'm not an arsonist!
Haha... ;__;
Inspiration is from this song: The Protomen: Light Up The Night
Give it a shot maybe? If you like Bonnie Tyler, this is your jam.
Hmmh.. I wonder if I should develop a watermark of some sort. Then again that sounds super selfish.
I got lucky the hand didn't fit. I hate drawing 'em. Way too complex.
Just in case anyone is interested, I use Wacom cintiq, 13". Please give me money. I'm broke.
Isn't that how this works?
Thank you for visiting.
sunnuntai 24. tammikuuta 2016
I tell you. Making a change is tricky business. I wonder sometimes if people ever stop to think something like: "What íf we're wrong? What if we end up hurting more people than we end up helping? What if we start something we cannot finish?"
Lemme tell you a story.
It was a dark and stormy night.
Also, freezing. Go figure.
"Aight lissn up. It's freezing outside. We gotta let the inhabitants of the forest to come inside or they'll all die."
"Bruh I got this. Let me open the door."
The inhabitants start to flood in.
"Thank you", says a rabbit.
The creatures inside feel good about themselves. Life is good.
Then the livingroom starts to overflow.
"Don't even worry about it. Kitchen got this."
Then the kitchen starts to overflow.
Some wolves slip in. They start to eat stuff.
"bruh don't even worry about it. I bet if we throw enough carrots at the wolves they will turn vegan."
The wolves don't turn to vegan.
The rabbits start to starve because all the carrots are gone.
"Ok. Lets bail. It aint that cold outside anyway. It's just our imagination. Cowboy up. Why do I always have to do the hard lifting?"
PS. If that one buss driver who let me take my bicycle with me even though it was against some rule ever reads this, I salute you.
Lemme tell you a story.
It was a dark and stormy night.
Also, freezing. Go figure.
"Aight lissn up. It's freezing outside. We gotta let the inhabitants of the forest to come inside or they'll all die."
"Bruh I got this. Let me open the door."
The inhabitants start to flood in.
"Thank you", says a rabbit.
The creatures inside feel good about themselves. Life is good.
Then the livingroom starts to overflow.
"Don't even worry about it. Kitchen got this."
Then the kitchen starts to overflow.
Some wolves slip in. They start to eat stuff.
"bruh don't even worry about it. I bet if we throw enough carrots at the wolves they will turn vegan."
The wolves don't turn to vegan.
The rabbits start to starve because all the carrots are gone.
"Ok. Lets bail. It aint that cold outside anyway. It's just our imagination. Cowboy up. Why do I always have to do the hard lifting?"
PS. If that one buss driver who let me take my bicycle with me even though it was against some rule ever reads this, I salute you.
torstai 21. tammikuuta 2016
Seagull wings.
-You wanna know how it happened? Sure thing, it's not like we don't have all the time in the world, right?
-Haha, that's the spirit!
-It's been atleast a decade or so. I'm not certain, haven't kept a track of time. We traveled with boats back then. The technology used was still so unstable that every liftoff could turn sour in mere seconds.
-People I worked with back then lived so far away, I had no other choise but boats. The secure way of traveling was way too expensive. Only a chosen few could afford it.
-We had a meeting in a cafe nearby. Couple of million kilometers away.
-World was on a verge of change again. Seagull wing essence that fueled the motors of the cheap boats had been illegal for a while though.
- Gathering that nasty stuff was our only income. What did they expect?
-Seagulls were only good for getting in the way of the wings of the boats and screwing innocent travellers up anyway. Happened more than once a day.
-The rich didn't care. The media was bought blind.
-Well, it is what it is.
-When I arrived everyone had already gathered up. The whole crew.
-The police arrived after 20 minutes or so.
-Three of us carried guns. Everyone knew putting up any resistance would be a suicide.
-Everyone started panicking and ran for their lives as the police opened fire.
- I got an arrow to the knee.
-The lucky ones who didn't die right away, scattered.
-Honestly, I woulda done the same.
-For some reason the police didn't finish me off.
-But now it's your turn. What are you in for?
-Haha, that's the spirit!
-It's been atleast a decade or so. I'm not certain, haven't kept a track of time. We traveled with boats back then. The technology used was still so unstable that every liftoff could turn sour in mere seconds.
-People I worked with back then lived so far away, I had no other choise but boats. The secure way of traveling was way too expensive. Only a chosen few could afford it.
-We had a meeting in a cafe nearby. Couple of million kilometers away.
-World was on a verge of change again. Seagull wing essence that fueled the motors of the cheap boats had been illegal for a while though.
- Gathering that nasty stuff was our only income. What did they expect?
-Seagulls were only good for getting in the way of the wings of the boats and screwing innocent travellers up anyway. Happened more than once a day.
-The rich didn't care. The media was bought blind.
-Well, it is what it is.
-When I arrived everyone had already gathered up. The whole crew.
-The police arrived after 20 minutes or so.
-Three of us carried guns. Everyone knew putting up any resistance would be a suicide.
-Everyone started panicking and ran for their lives as the police opened fire.
- I got an arrow to the knee.
-The lucky ones who didn't die right away, scattered.
-Honestly, I woulda done the same.
-For some reason the police didn't finish me off.
-But now it's your turn. What are you in for?
keskiviikko 20. tammikuuta 2016
"Yo. Why is skinny ass hulk making letters with his fingers?"
Because I thought it would look cool.
Our demo team needed a logo. This is a design I came up with after running some ideas through my fellow Finger Saladians.
Our team is called Finger Salad. We make games. Yo.
I did it :D
Hello! D:
I changed the song.
I changed the song.
It's one of my favourites at the moment: SMLE ft. Helen Tess - It'll Be Okay
I have a confession though. I went trough the song 2 times in the drawing process. I'm so sorry.
So why a frog?
I was hungry okay?
I can count with one hand all the songs as positive as -It'll be Okay- that I know of. The song ain't at all cheesy either. Gotta love genuinelly good music artists.
I wonder if it was a mistake to start this blog with a Finnish post. I wonder how people find small fry bloggers.
tiistai 19. tammikuuta 2016
A quote.
Dear diary.
I read a book.
First of all i'm pretty sure it's read not readed(?)
I'm very sorry if untrue.
The book is Shadow of the Hegemon by Orson Scott Card. It's following the Ender lore.
I recomend it to everyone.
So I found this in the book:
""Intellectual community," said Mrs. Wiggin scornfully. "America's intellectual community has never been very bright. Or honest. They're all sheep, following ' whatever the intellectual fashion of the decade happens to be. Demanding that everyone follow their dicta in lockstep. Everyone has to be open-minded and tolerant of the things they believe, but God forbid they should ever concede, even for a moment, that someone who disagrees with them might have some fingerhold on truth."
She sounded bitter.
"I sound bitter," she said."
Dear propably fictional Mrs. Wiggin. Thank you for putting into words what's up.
Also, I'd like to point out its not only America.
Anyway, I tried to draw a frog today but it failed. I think it's the eyes. I can't get them right. I need new music. Got irritated and bored and gave up after some time.
I read a book.
First of all i'm pretty sure it's read not readed(?)
I'm very sorry if untrue.
The book is Shadow of the Hegemon by Orson Scott Card. It's following the Ender lore.
I recomend it to everyone.
So I found this in the book:
""Intellectual community," said Mrs. Wiggin scornfully. "America's intellectual community has never been very bright. Or honest. They're all sheep, following ' whatever the intellectual fashion of the decade happens to be. Demanding that everyone follow their dicta in lockstep. Everyone has to be open-minded and tolerant of the things they believe, but God forbid they should ever concede, even for a moment, that someone who disagrees with them might have some fingerhold on truth."
She sounded bitter.
"I sound bitter," she said."
Dear propably fictional Mrs. Wiggin. Thank you for putting into words what's up.
Also, I'd like to point out its not only America.
Anyway, I tried to draw a frog today but it failed. I think it's the eyes. I can't get them right. I need new music. Got irritated and bored and gave up after some time.
lauantai 16. tammikuuta 2016
Yes, hello.
I know I posted yesterday and this pace is ridiculous.
I think I finally decided what I'm going to do with this blog.
First of all, as much english as possible. Sorry for the typos and shenanigans.
(secretly I'm not sorry at all.)
So I do this thing. I start to listen to a song, I go through it couple of times. Then I start to draw. Here are the rules:
-before hitting play, make a background, choose one color and one brush
-hit play
-draw whatever
-song stops, drawing stops.
-do not use any other color or tool, including eraser while drawing.
Doing stuff like this makes me consentrate 100% to something that isn't at all important. This way I can avoid my responisbilities. It's cool beans.
I heard that some people do sports so they can do the same. Profoundly doing nothing important.
Today I chose to listen to Led Zeppelin - In my time of dying. The live version that is in the Celebration Day album.
Uhh, to be clear, I don't think that only old music is worth listening to. So please don't consider me being a hipster.
I rarely publis anything. I hope this isn't a huge mistake.
I know I posted yesterday and this pace is ridiculous.
I think I finally decided what I'm going to do with this blog.
First of all, as much english as possible. Sorry for the typos and shenanigans.
(secretly I'm not sorry at all.)
So I do this thing. I start to listen to a song, I go through it couple of times. Then I start to draw. Here are the rules:
-before hitting play, make a background, choose one color and one brush
-hit play
-draw whatever
-song stops, drawing stops.
-do not use any other color or tool, including eraser while drawing.
Doing stuff like this makes me consentrate 100% to something that isn't at all important. This way I can avoid my responisbilities. It's cool beans.
I heard that some people do sports so they can do the same. Profoundly doing nothing important.
Today I chose to listen to Led Zeppelin - In my time of dying. The live version that is in the Celebration Day album.
Uhh, to be clear, I don't think that only old music is worth listening to. So please don't consider me being a hipster.
I rarely publis anything. I hope this isn't a huge mistake.
perjantai 15. tammikuuta 2016
Ei kouluasioita
Onneksi nimesin blogini koulublogiksi, niin kukaan ei hämmenny, että kirjoitan jostain aivan muusta.
Teen tämän muuten vain, koska käskettiin.
Alunperin mietin, että kaikkein helpointa olisi kirjoittaa kouluasioista, sitten tajusin että joku voisi suuttua siitä. Ei oo helppoo.
Löysin netistä semmosen kuvan missä oli oven kahvassa lappu jossa luki "Come in, i'm already disturbed." Se oli ihan jees homma. Sitten tajusin, että ulko-ovessani ei ole ovenkahvaa ja en toisaalta halua, että porukkaa alkais ykskaks lappaamaan sisään kun.. no.. pelaan. Ei sillä että ketään tulisi. Varmuuden vuoksi jätin asian sikseen.
Muistaako kukaan sitä novellia missä jäbä piti yksinpuhelua ja aina välissä oli tämä:
Se oli aika siisti novelli, aattelin että vois toimia meikälläkin. *Koff*:n sijaan efektisä vois lukea vaikka "*haha*."
Se ei välttämättä ollu muuten novelli, ko joku muu.
Okei jees kokeillaas sitä.
Taas on jääkaappi tyhjä. Rahaa olisi vaikka millä mitalla, mutta kauppa on ulkona. Ja ulkona on kylmä. Taitaa taas olla nuudelipäivä.
Vesi kiehu kasarikattilan yli ja nuudeleissa on liikaa mausteita. Kukaan tärkeä ei streamaa.
Vois koittaa jos inspais pelata jotain. Vapaa-aikani koostuu pelaamisesta tai pelaamisen katsomisesta sekä kotiläksyistä, joita yritän laiminlyödä parhaani mukaan.
Joo okei ihan hyvin toimii mun mielestä, tosi positiiviset vibat.
tiistai 12. tammikuuta 2016
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