Woah D:::
Didn't see you there.
I made this. It looks unfinished.
Sorry about that ;__;
I bought two frozen pizzas yesterday!
Because reasons.
I was planning on eating one of them today.
I'd be amazing Twitter time waster, huh?
That's not all I did yesterday though.
I gave money to a streamer.
Streamer is for example a guy or a girl is playing videogames live on the internet and people watches that stuff and comment on chat about things.
Sounds exiting. I know.
One can subscribe or donate to the streamer.
Subscription is typically 5e and donation is the amount of one's choosing.
I subscribed.
When one subscribes one gets a badge in front of his name in the chat and the right to use the streamers emotes.
The subsrciber also gets "accepted" in the streamers chat community in some way.
Kinda like VIP without VIP rooms or seats.
People usually subscribe for three reasons:
1. They want to be accepted/heard of.
2. They want to have cool and regularly used emotes.
3. They want the streamer to have some money for the laughs and the good times the streams give.
Let's face it. It feels good to be accepted in somewhere.
Or if you're rich. Everywhere.
I guess..
What I mean by this is that I'm not trying to make fun of the first reason.
It's a way to show without saying anything that hey, I like y'all.
It's way easier than talking.
In my opinion at least.
It's like giving money to charity.
On top of the fact you are supportin something,
A cause, a person.
You feel good about yourself.
It's not like giving 5 euros "away" is going to be the end of the world.
Though it IS certainly in the ballpark for two frozen pizzas...

(version 2.0 D:)
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