torstai 21. tammikuuta 2016

Seagull wings.

-You wanna know how it happened? Sure thing, it's not like we don't have all the time in the world, right?

-Haha, that's the spirit!

-It's been atleast a decade or so. I'm not certain, haven't kept a track of time. We traveled with boats back then. The technology used was still so unstable that every liftoff could turn sour in mere seconds.

-People I worked with back then lived so far away, I had no other choise but boats. The secure way of traveling was way too expensive. Only a chosen few could afford it.

-We had a meeting in a cafe nearby. Couple of million kilometers away.

-World was on a verge of change again. Seagull wing essence that fueled the motors of the cheap boats had been illegal for a while though.

- Gathering that nasty stuff was our only income. What did they expect?

-Seagulls were only good for getting in the way of the wings of the boats and screwing innocent travellers up anyway. Happened more than once a day.

-The rich didn't care. The media was bought blind.

-Well, it is what it is.

-When I arrived everyone had already gathered up. The whole crew.

-The police arrived after 20 minutes or so.

 -Three of us carried guns. Everyone knew putting up any resistance would be a suicide.

-Everyone started panicking and ran for their lives as the police opened fire. 

 - I got an arrow to the knee.

-The lucky ones who didn't die right away, scattered.

-Honestly, I woulda done the same.

-For some reason the police didn't finish me off.

-But now it's your turn. What are you in for?

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