maanantai 29. helmikuuta 2016
Something new.
Made 3 filters for her.
Or him.
I dunno.
I don't know which is the best.
I was practicing hands the other day.
Super difficult stuff. Even the slightest change to angle and the whole thing looks different.
Also, making it big enough.
I didn't pay too much attention to details since this wasn't really meant to be too long a project.
I might add detalis someday.
Propably not.
So. Uhh... Nothing is really happening. No super good new games, no new super interesting projects.
Just kinda floating.
Steady, as she goes.
Nothing wrong with that.
You should definetly press those pictures to make 'em bigger. They look kinda bad in that compressed size.
Can I say "they"? Or is it something else?
Theres this game coming from Japan. Name's Fire Emblem: Fates.
I think.
Funny story.
It is about some medieval fantasy style clans fighting.
You can also make people fall in love to the main character or someone else.
They added this mechanism in the game: you can now pet the head of your "chosen one"
The developers and probably the publisher thought that petting is way too much for the "little kids" in Europe and America so they decided to take off that mechanism for games sent to those countries.
One always could buy the Japanese version. However, the console must be from Japan as well as the game. It's way too much for most of the people.
Anyway, two things happen.
a group of people start a internet riot because their games are being cencored.
Then there's the other group which really think that the publisher made a good call. Videogames are not for petting purposes.
Or something.
This cencorship happened for three reasons.
1.There are quite a lot of Japanese games that get called of the shelves of shops in countries like Germany and Australia because they are marked too erotic. The publisher is afraid that their game starts to operate losses because of one mechanic.
2.Nobody in Japan seems to know where the lines are crossed. What is too much and what aint.
3.Neither does anybody else.
There are no rules. Only people who scream louder than others making stuff go wild and destroying games and the teams developing 'em.
And so.
The new era of cencorship is put to action. Not by the "machine" but by the "broken cogs".
Alrighty. I'm done.
Gotta bounce.
tiistai 23. helmikuuta 2016
I've been busy and then some
Okay I admit. Shoulda posted something a while ago.
I've been doing stuff and things.
Anyway, here's a doodle:
It's something?
I dunno.
I practiced cloth folding...
Gonna do something cool real soon though. I promise.
Also, here are all the pixel stuff I've been working on lately.

I know the pixel stuff might not look as cool as high resolution drawing.
However. These let me practice color and palettes. It's suprisingly delicate stuff to choose a color.
You know.
Because there are a lot of colors.
A lot.
Also school.
But yeah, I might post something more exiting soon.
Or not.
Okay I admit. Shoulda posted something a while ago.
I've been doing stuff and things.
Anyway, here's a doodle:
It's something?
I dunno.
I practiced cloth folding...
Gonna do something cool real soon though. I promise.
Also, here are all the pixel stuff I've been working on lately.

I know the pixel stuff might not look as cool as high resolution drawing.
However. These let me practice color and palettes. It's suprisingly delicate stuff to choose a color.
You know.
Because there are a lot of colors.
A lot.
Also school.
But yeah, I might post something more exiting soon.
Or not.
tiistai 16. helmikuuta 2016
So one thing led to another and I started to do these pixely thingys for a Twitter daily events called Pixel_Dailies.
Pixel_Dailies tweets every day a theme and then people draw stuff.
Here's what happened to me:
The first theme was to take three random elements from three lists. One from each. I got "fat, angry, facial hair."
Hmmh. This gon' be good.

Yeah, looks pretty dope. Has a story that makes the guy to express anger. Cool beans.
Here's what I did wrong:
That thing is 54 frames long.
At some point in future I might use phrases(?) like "frames" and "frames per second".
Frame is an other word for a picture. "FPS" means how many frames are presented in one second, hence making an animation.
I think I just murdered English language again with poor ass explanations.
Now there's a habit starting to develop to a hobby.
54 frames is a LOT. It makes stuff messy looking and hard to control for the maker.
I got super exhausted and did not color or clean up the animation.
Needles to say, lotta mistakes were made and learnt from.
As it should be.
Next day was Hellboy theme.
Hellboy is this angry looking fella. With broken horns, life and attitude.
I think.
Not too familiar with him.
This guy:
I think I did pretty solid job. the skull has many layers and stuff.
So what happened was: I did not make animation. I colored. I made the picture low resolution.
It's cool, yet pretty boring and plain. Right?
Onto next day. Next opportunity.
First off. The theme was Gandhi. Pretty "outta nowhere", wouldn't you say?
This is what I came up with:

Two frames, color and a man on a mission.
And people liked it! :D
There's still a long way to go for sure.
I still consider the last animation a big success for my personal record.
And Now I know that if I want to develop, everything I do must be with maximum effort!
It's maybe easy to think of. To give ones best shot all the time.
I thought I did just that before.
Now I know I didn't.
So one thing led to another and I started to do these pixely thingys for a Twitter daily events called Pixel_Dailies.
Pixel_Dailies tweets every day a theme and then people draw stuff.
Here's what happened to me:
The first theme was to take three random elements from three lists. One from each. I got "fat, angry, facial hair."
Hmmh. This gon' be good.

Yeah, looks pretty dope. Has a story that makes the guy to express anger. Cool beans.
Here's what I did wrong:
That thing is 54 frames long.
At some point in future I might use phrases(?) like "frames" and "frames per second".
Frame is an other word for a picture. "FPS" means how many frames are presented in one second, hence making an animation.
I think I just murdered English language again with poor ass explanations.
Now there's a habit starting to develop to a hobby.
54 frames is a LOT. It makes stuff messy looking and hard to control for the maker.
I got super exhausted and did not color or clean up the animation.
Needles to say, lotta mistakes were made and learnt from.
As it should be.
Next day was Hellboy theme.
Hellboy is this angry looking fella. With broken horns, life and attitude.
I think.
Not too familiar with him.
This guy:

I think I did pretty solid job. the skull has many layers and stuff.
So what happened was: I did not make animation. I colored. I made the picture low resolution.
It's cool, yet pretty boring and plain. Right?
Onto next day. Next opportunity.
First off. The theme was Gandhi. Pretty "outta nowhere", wouldn't you say?
This is what I came up with:

Two frames, color and a man on a mission.
And people liked it! :D
There's still a long way to go for sure.
I still consider the last animation a big success for my personal record.
And Now I know that if I want to develop, everything I do must be with maximum effort!
It's maybe easy to think of. To give ones best shot all the time.
I thought I did just that before.
Now I know I didn't.
maanantai 15. helmikuuta 2016
Going in solo.
It's funny how hard it is to draw a quitarist while listening to rap.
yes, hello.
hm hm not much to say at the moment to be honest.
Hope you're having a great day.
I guess.
Those shoes are prertty brutal bad lookin'.
I should change that someday.
Imagine him playing something from Joe Satriani.
Why the blindfold? It just came to my mind first. I think it's cool devotion to music.
hm hm.
perjantai 12. helmikuuta 2016
I come bearing gifts.
More Steam avatars.
More rant.
I canged my admin account, so the profile is different, but I ain't.
I've been thinking.
Thinking while listening Toto. Toto IV album is my jam.
I've chosen a somewhat simple lifestyle.
That sounds stupid.
I wan't my reasoning and the change of circumstances to change me. Not material or people around me.
That leaves my life full of holes sometimes.
By drawing I want to fill them holes. I wan't that someday I can draw anything that comes to my mind.
If someone looks at my art and they likey, that's awesome.
That someone is awesome.
However, I'm doing this for myself just as much as for that someone.
I don't want to draw characters that express emotions.
I want to draw emotion itself.
Time will tell if I ever get there.
torstai 11. helmikuuta 2016
The Progress.
I'm literally crying.
I'm not. It's just something the cool kids say.
And I'm a cool kid tell you what.
This is how it looked like when I started:

Not too great, eh?
And this is the first time I did a pose without a reference:

I am so happy.
Very very happy.
It might not look like much, but theres about 17 muscles behind that layer.
I'm literally dying.
I'm not. It's just what the cool kids say.
Was listening this song: The Procussions - Little People.
It's rap. But good rap. Not everyones cup o' tea, but I enjoyd it.
Yes, I found it form Blue Mountain State TV-Series.
It's about American college life.
Look, I was bored.
maanantai 8. helmikuuta 2016
The Process.
I got bored and made this.
This is how one of my processes looks like.
This is the base. This time I wanted to make something cartoony so the hair looks like that. At this point I usually have improvised everything and have no idea what I'm doing. So I expect some changes will happen.
So next I choose the color of stuff. I Don't think a lot about it. Just pick a color and go with it. Usually in this step I think that the picture looks horrible. It helps to change stuff to look better..
More details. Lighting shenanigans. Stuff. Uhh... At this point the picture is horrible and I'm horrible. Pretty normal thoughts for creative process.
Next step is filling in everything else. Making some filters. Usually I end up doing what I think looks rad. Sometimes I'm right.
The last step of digital painting is stuffing the picture full of effects and unnecessary details. With good taste and brilliant mind I can cover up mistakes with stuff and make myself look cool and intelligent. Redemption! Great!
This kind of picture requires 50 or so layers. Layers mean something like one paper stacked on to other so the drawing in one does not affect the other but the both show at all times.
Hmmh you can Google it if you want.
So. Uhh.. There you go.
I'm making good process in anatomy. I'm checking youtube tutorials. There's this great user nicknamed Sycra. All the respect to him. The tutor said in one of his videos that my style of drawing is chiken scratch and very destructive for any workflow.
Haha ;_____;
I got bored and made this.
This is how one of my processes looks like.
This is the base. This time I wanted to make something cartoony so the hair looks like that. At this point I usually have improvised everything and have no idea what I'm doing. So I expect some changes will happen.
So next I choose the color of stuff. I Don't think a lot about it. Just pick a color and go with it. Usually in this step I think that the picture looks horrible. It helps to change stuff to look better..
More details. Lighting shenanigans. Stuff. Uhh... At this point the picture is horrible and I'm horrible. Pretty normal thoughts for creative process.
Next step is filling in everything else. Making some filters. Usually I end up doing what I think looks rad. Sometimes I'm right.
The last step of digital painting is stuffing the picture full of effects and unnecessary details. With good taste and brilliant mind I can cover up mistakes with stuff and make myself look cool and intelligent. Redemption! Great!
This kind of picture requires 50 or so layers. Layers mean something like one paper stacked on to other so the drawing in one does not affect the other but the both show at all times.
Hmmh you can Google it if you want.
So. Uhh.. There you go.
I'm making good process in anatomy. I'm checking youtube tutorials. There's this great user nicknamed Sycra. All the respect to him. The tutor said in one of his videos that my style of drawing is chiken scratch and very destructive for any workflow.
Haha ;_____;
torstai 4. helmikuuta 2016
I made this :u
tiistai 2. helmikuuta 2016
I might take a break.
Hi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I tried to make something similiar to 3d effect by tinkering with layers here.
Hmmh.. It looks kinda like she broke her arm.
Should do something about that.
There is this thing called effective workflow. In my case it means mastering combining keyboard buttons to command stuff and the pen drawing the strokes. It's hard and needs a whole lotta muscle memory to be efficient.
So much to learn.
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
But yeah, to the topic.
I decided to start learning real muscle anatomy and grouping and whatnot.
It's the next major step for me and even more important than perspective.
Because it doesn't matter if I can think 3D if everything I draw looks painful and dislocated :d
That means that there won't be any sweet pictures anytime soon. I might post process. But everything will look funny for awhile.
Wish me luck!~
Thank you.
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